Tony Lost Over 50 Lbs and Can Run Up Stairs

Health & Fitness > Health & Fitness

First off I would like to thank you for all of your recipes and information on your site, it has really helped me get to where I want to be. I have attached my before and after pictures for you.  Please do not laugh. The after is actually a couple weeks ago and I have lost another 8 lbs since then, and I am still continuing to work hard to reach my goal. I was 242 lbs in the first picture and I am now 190 lbs. Yaaaaa!

I guess my story is I just got tired of not being able to bend over and tie my shoes or put on socks without coming up huffing and puffing. Not being able to go up a flight of stairs without being totally out of breath. I guess the real deal breaker was when I stepped on the scale and it showed 242 lbs, I have never been that heavy before. That is when it hit me and I started on this journey. Now I not only can do a flight of stairs, every other day of the week I conquer the McHugh bluff stairs here in Calgary (google it and you will see) not only one set but 10 sets and I can do it in 37 minutes. I ran my first 5k yesterday and came in 10th out of 400 and ran it in 30:05.

Like I mentioned I still have a little ways more to go but I have had so much success with your recipes I am sure it won’t be much longer before I get there. I have gone from wearing a size 38 pant( a very tight 38 lol) to a size 34 that fits loosely (could almost go to a 32 soon.) Anyway that is my story.
What is your favorite recipe from
My Favorite Recipe is the Buffalo Chicken Jalapeno Popper Casserole, This was a huge success in our family.

What is your favorite ingredient to use when making ketogenic recipes?
Spinach of course. And bacon mmmmm, and spices.

What is/was your motivation to keep on track?
Looking at my before picture and thinking about what it was like to be unhealthy.

Did you ever encounter a stall? If so, how did you get over it?
I encountered many many stalls on my journey, some were injuries, some were plateaus with my diet. What I would do is check myself, look myself in the eyes and say you can do this then get back on that horse and push through to the next goal.

How did you hear about keto, and why did you start?
I am always researching for different ideas and better ways to be healthy especially when I hit a roadblock or plateau. I try and figure out what else will work. I cannot remember exactly where I found out about Keto, I believe it was an article on an email I am subscribed to or a Facebook news feed that was suggest because of other news feeds I follow. I am constantly reading health news letters so I am sure it was somewhere there.

In what aspects have your life changed since going keto?
Of course all the weight that I have lost, the energy that I feel and of course all the yummy foods I get to eat. I has effect my life through my wife as well since she has also been doing Keto as well, she had cholesterol issue and that has all changed since being keto.

What piece of advice would you offer to people that are just starting out on keto?
Jump in with both feet, don’t be scared to try something new. Make sure you read all the articles out there so that you fully understand, and must importantly make sure you stick with it and don’t be afraid to share and help others.

What did you personally do in your first 2 weeks of keto? (i.e. Drink broth, go for a walk, throw food out, etc.)
I went shopping. I followed your 30 day plan from day 1 although I had to modify the plan slightly at times. Since I have a family and they need to eat as well.  I either needed to modify the recipes to ensure enough food or else at times there were not left overs for the times that the plan required you to eat leftovers. This was a huge challenge so on those days I would just search your recipes and find something else to cook on those days. I also started doing crazy stairs here as well for my exercise every other day.