I decided to give a whirl at a vegetarian recipe that I've been wanting to do for quite some time now. A vegetarian red curry! If you're not vegetarian, you could easily add some fatty cuts of meat to this to make even more flavor come out and add more protein to the dish. For being ready in just under 20 minutes, this turned out to have some incredible flavors. The "fish" sauce definitely comes through, which I love, and adds a more authentic flavor to all of it. Allowing the curry paste to ...

Pork Shiitake Stir Fry with “Quick Kimchi”
A delicious blend of Asian infused flavors come together to give you a delicious meal in under 30 minutes. From the tender, succulent pork to the tangy and spicy "Kimchi" that lays atop, everything works in unison to finish off your bite with a punch of umami. Definitely worth trying this one - and if you want to, you can even make the "Kimchi" previously and let it sit in the fridge overnight (or for a few days). The reason I put kimchi in quotes is because it's my own take on it, rather ...
- May 16, 2014
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Egg Salad Stuffed Avocado
Normally I'm one of the very few people on this planet that actually says, "I hate avocados." I just kept seeing so many people loving them and loving them, so I decided to give them a try again. When I was growing up, I actually had an avocado tree and I just never liked the taste, texture, or really anything about the suckers. But lately I just wanted to like them so much that I bought a bag. Boy oh boy, my tastes have changed or something because I really love them now! Salt and pepper ...
- April 27, 2014
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Cheesy Thyme Waffles
Definitely not the prettiest dish of the bunch, but I just had to post this one. For me, while looks are quite important most of the time, taste reigns supreme at the end of the day. This dish hits the nail on the head when it comes to taste. Time to get our cheese on...waffle style! The distinct flavor of cauliflower is knocked down into a subtle flavor you can easily handle with the crisp, almost burnt cheese on the outside and the rich, creamy flavors on the inside. The thyme, garlic, and ...
- April 6, 2014
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Fresh Chicken and Bacon Patties
This is a dish that you can whip up in a pinch with ingredients you already have. Chicken, bacon, eggs, cheese, and peppers are staples of a ketogenic diet. The taste of fresh bell peppers alongside smoky bacon will leave you looking forward to the leftovers! These chicken patties are the perfect savory recipe for a chicken, bacon, and ranch salad or placed inside one of my almond buns with lettuce and that sweet, sweet sriracha (also known as nectar of the gods). They're also versatile ...
- April 4, 2014
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Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Mug Cake
When you think of a mug cake, you might think of one of the sweeter options. But, savory mug cakes can be made too! Not to mention, they're pretty freakin' awesome. Cheese really helps these things out with the texture too. It gives a more moist, more delicious, more hearty and filling keto fat bomb that you can actually use to replace a full meal - breakfast or lunch! Just in case you did miss our sweet series of mug cakes, you can check them out below: Chocolate Cake in a Mug Chai ...
- March 19, 2014
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Low Carb Corned Beef Cabbage Rolls
Okay, okay. I know I promised to bring you savory mug cakes and I definitely will - I just thought a nice intermittent break would be useful for the people that don't always enjoy mug cakes. Don't worry though, they're coming soon! These cabbage rolls are really an awesome way to eat corned beef. I knew for sure I was making corned beef for St. Patty's day (and sorry I didn't post this yesterday, I had it for dinner last night), but I didn't know what way I would eat it. Once I took the ...
- March 18, 2014
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Inside Out Bacon Burger
It's been a long time coming that I actually use the meat of a burger as buns - but that time has finally come! Bacon, cheese, and some crispy raw onion between 2 patties of...more bacon and ground beef? Count me in! If you're feeling extra frisky (and have the calories to fit it in), I HIGHLY suggest throwing some Bacon Jam in the middle of this sucker. Not only will it bring an awesome contrast in the flavors with the vinegar of the jam, but it adds more bacon! Okay, since switching to a ...
- March 7, 2014
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Chicken and Bacon Sausage Stir Fry
Sometimes we just need dinner in a rush, but there's never an excuse to sacrifice taste, nutrients, or your diet for a fast answer. I got this meal done in just under 25 minutes from prep to plate. It's extremely fast, extremely tasty, and easy to do! Just remember that vegetables are still necessary on a ketogenic diet, and the micronutrients inside are vital to us. So, you might be wondering why there's 7g Net Carbs per serving? Well all that broccoli really adds up in the carb counts - ...
- February 10, 2014
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Spicy Pulled Pork Lettuce Wraps
So I had the ribs that I made last week sitting in my fridge and I thought it was about time I put them to use. I figured a spicy, yet refreshing lettuce wrap would be awesome! And boy...was I right. These lettuce wraps pack a punch if you're using a hot chili paste. They're absolutely delicious and the fall off the bone tenderness of the meat just adds to the whole experience. In total this will make 6 whole lettuce wraps. What I did was cut each of the 6 lettuce wraps in half to create ...
- February 3, 2014
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