Keto Breakfast Recipes (Page 21)

Keto Bites: Sausage, Bacon & Egg Baskets

Keto Bites: Sausage, Bacon & Egg Baskets

I've been having this notion in my mind that I must create some sort of vessel to stuff things inside. My first thought was to make a basket out of bacon, but as you saw in my previous recipe, it didn't work as I thought it would. This time I figured I'd add sausage, and it seems to have worked! I was going to add a binder, but I didn't see it necessary since it stuck together with fat after a grind in the food processor. A food processor is a great tool to have around the kitchen. You can ...

Bacon Wrapped Low Carb Scotch Eggs

Bacon Wrapped Low Carb Scotch Eggs

I've had a lot of bacon and eggs on hand lately, and by a lot I mean 48 eggs and 5 pounds of bacon. I need to use it up, and I figured I would start making eggs and bacon only, for the next few days. Trying to create some new ways to enjoy these guys, instead of the old bacon and scrambled eggs. Scotch eggs are a fantastic treat, and while it's hard not wanting to gulp down a dark ale while I'm eating one (or three) of these, they're still a delicacy I haven't encountered for years. The ...

Bacon Crusted Frittata Muffins

Bacon Crusted Frittata Muffins

These are one of my favorite things to cook; they're easy, pretty fast, and they save extremely well. Cook them in bulk and then you have breakfast for the entire week! When I cooked these, I tried 2 different methods of making the bacon basket. The way listed below had the best results - with the others, the eggs leaked completely through to the sides and the bacon curled up as it was cooking - making it more of a frittata keto muffin with a curl of bacon in the middle. They save ...

Perfect Cup of Keto Coffee

Perfect Cup of Keto Coffee

Keto coffee is quite a bit healthier than your average breakfast, and it has the calories to match. Commonly used in intermittent fasting, keto butter coffee gives plenty of energy and a great satiated feeling throughout the morning fasting hours. Now, I want to explain this further. Drinking this coffee will break your fast from the night time, but it will ramp up your metabolism with caffeine and fats. This is to help you get through the fasting process in the 10+ hours ...

Eggceptional Sausage Keto Frittata

Eggceptional Sausage Keto Frittata

Cooking my food in bulk has just become a part of my life, it makes it easy during the week when I am busy with other things and don't feel like cooking. This recipe has been a real life saver when it comes to breakfast in the weekday mornings, allowing me more time to sleep in and a smaller time cooking :) Let me know what you think of the recipe in the comments - and let me know what tweaks you make to make it even better! The Preparation ½ pounds chorizo ½ pounds Italian ...

Spinach and Cheddar Scrambled Eggs

Spinach and Cheddar Scrambled Eggs

This is a breakfast staple for me, where it's my go-to a lot of the time. It's fast (only takes about 10 minutes), tastes great, and it's packed full of nutrients. These eggs will usually fill me up until around 1pm, and sometimes even longer. They're a great source of energy in the morning and keep you full for a good chunk of the day. If you're the type that has problems with hunger around 11, try these! The fats in the cheese and cream will be sure to help your stomach stay quiet until ...

Keto Recipe: Sausage, Spinach, Feta Cheese Omelette

Keto Recipe: Sausage, Spinach, Feta Cheese Omelette

Let's take this low carb egg phase to the next level and crank out an omelette. I've noticed people are scared of making omelettes for some reason. They're really easy once you get the hang of them, and they're worth it. You're giving yourself a new experience, a new texture, a new taste. If you limit yourself to the same foods everyday, your diet can get bored - and that means your temptations start to grow! Leave yourself some experimentation room in the kitchen and start trying ...

Hunger Buster Low Carb Bacon Frittata

Hunger Buster Low Carb Bacon Frittata

Most of us are getting bored of the same old breakfast, so I decided to spice things up and go a different route. Being on a keto diet for a long time will definitely lead you to experimentation in the kitchen, and this one is something that works. Frittata's are a great way to get those fluffy eggs you want, while packing in tons of protein and fat from meats and cheese. Add some vegetables in there and you're golden. If you're on a low carb diet, I really suggest you try this bacon ...

Keto Breakfast: Bacon & Eggs

Keto Breakfast: Bacon & Eggs

Eggs happen to be the worst nightmare for many chefs, mainly because they can overcook so quickly. I've seen high class restaurants even hire people just from their scrambled eggs. Bacon and eggs is a staple ketogenic breakfast for many people on the keto diet, so I figured I'd add this in here to really let you take it to the next level! The key to great scrambled eggs is to never overcook, and always add more richness to them. This one will be sure to please anyone you serve them up to, ...

Low Carb Pumpkin Pancakes

Low Carb Pumpkin Pancakes

Pancakes are glorious at any time of the day, but unfortunately it's a real challenge to find a version suitable for the keto diet. Every now and again I look through recipes to find some staples that I thought I'd never enjoy again. Time and time again these low carb substitutes come out nothing like what I had anticipated - but this pancake recipe brought some new light into my life. I was actually looking for a cornbread recipe and stumbled upon an almond flour cornbread that I thought was ...