Most keto-related side effects are straightforward and easy to remedy. There is one issue, however, that has been causing a great deal of concern and confusion for many keto dieters — and it is known as the "keto rash." Despite its unsightly appearance and irritating itchiness, this rash is not dangerous at all. In fact, it is both preventable and treatable. But before we learn how to rid ourselves of the keto rash, let's take a closer look at what it actually is. Keto Rash: Why Is ...
Make sure you get the low down with our guide to keto.
The Keto Rash: Why Keto Is Making You Itchy and How You Can Remedy It
- June 25, 2018
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What is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) & Why It’s the Most Efficient Fuel
The body has a variety of fuel sources it can use, all with different benefits and downsides. Sugar, for example, is typically our primary energy source — not because it is the most efficient — but because it can be used rapidly by every cell in the body. Unfortunately, we sacrifice efficiency for speed when we burn sugar, which leads to the formation of potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. Conversely, when carb intake is limited, we began using more efficient fuel sources ...
- June 25, 2018
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What is Acetoacetate and Why is it Important on Keto?
Without acetoacetate, we wouldn't be able to experience the benefits of ketones. In fact, the two other ketone bodies — acetone and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) — are formed from acetoacetate. This ketone is a trendsetter, paving the way for our bodies to use a more efficient energy alternative when we restrict carbs and/or calories. However, this isn’t all that acetoacetate and its other ketone counterparts have to offer. In this article, we will take a closer look at what acetoacetate is ...
- June 12, 2018
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What Is Acetone and Why Is It Important to Keto?
What does your bloodstream and nail polish remover have in common? Both contain a ketone body called acetone. It sounds like a poorly written joke, but it's merely a little-known fact about the human body. Acetone is the smallest ketone, which is produced naturally in our bodies as we are entering and sustaining a ketone-burning state called ketosis. Although acetone can be poisonous when inhaled or ingested, it is harmless (and may even be helpful) when it is produced within our ...
- June 10, 2018
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Does the Ketogenic Diet Relieve Gout Symptoms?
Painful joints, swelling, sudden intense pain, these are the hallmarks of gout — a type of arthritis that is caused by the buildup of uric acid. Gout usually affects the joints, particularly the base of the big toe, causing gout attacks of severe pain as well as swelling. Fortunately, this condition is simple enough that we can easily study the various causes and risk factors for gout and how to potentially alleviate its symptoms. In fact, the current research has found a plethora of simple ...
- May 29, 2018
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The Guide to a Dairy Free Keto Diet
Doesn't it seem like dairy is in everything? From keto recipes to high-carb snacks and candy, there's some kind of milk product in so many things that we eat. This isn't a problem if you're not allergic or intolerant to dairy at all, but what should you do if struggle with lactose or dairy proteins — especially when you are on a diet that typically consists of a lot of dairy like the ketogenic diet? Fortunately, there are a wide variety of dairy substitutions and dairy-free recipes that ...
- February 7, 2018
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How to Lose Weight on a Ketogenic Diet
There are many ways to lose weight, and following the ketogenic diet is one of them. In fact, keto is one of the most effective ways to lose weight rapidly and keep the fat off for good. This doesn't mean, that a high-fat, low-carb diet is ideal for everyone that is aiming for weight loss. Some people may fare better with other dietary choices that fit more snuggly into their current lifestyles. Either way, it is possible for you to lose weight and keep it off. In this article, we will ...
- February 2, 2018
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Complete Guide to Exercise on the Ketogenic Diet
Exercise more, and you'll have better health. Follow the ketogenic diet, and you'll lose weight rapidly and take your health to the next level. But what happens when you combine the two? Although it's reasonable to assume that combining exercise with keto would take your health and weight loss to the next level, the truth behind it is a bit more complicated than that. When we restrict carbs, we cause a plethora of changes throughout the body — some of which affect exercise ...
- January 30, 2018
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What is Ketosis?
Ketosis is the metabolic state when blood ketone levels reach a certain level (around 0.5 mmol/L). People will typically enter ketosis when they restrict carbohydrates (i.e., by following the ketogenic diet) or eat little to no calories (i.e., fasting for multiple days). In general, the body will not enter ketosis as long as there are enough carbs available from the diet or stored glycogen (the storage form of sugar) to provide the cells with energy. As long as sugar is available (and you ...
- January 11, 2018
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Can the Ketogenic Diet Improve Acne?
Pimples, blackheads, and red bumps — the primary symptoms of acne vulgaris — affect more than 85% of adolescents and ~50% of people over 25. In fact, so many of us have acne that it is now the most common skin condition of western civilization. Fortunately, recent research suggests that acne doesn’t have to be so prevalent. Simple dietary interventions may be all we need to halt acne progression and reduce the number of acne eruptions. But is it possible to treat acne with a keto diet? To ...
- January 11, 2018
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