Before Keto, I Could Barely Walk First Thing in the Morning

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I used to body build in my early twenties, but when I stopped I gained a tremendous amount of weight due to poor diet and inactivity. For years I was just gaining until I got to a astounding 257 for my 5’8″ tall body, which was grossly overweight. After four years I began Brazilian jiu-jitsu (8 years ago), and changed my diet and immediately lost weight. Once my body settled into activity again, the poor diet messed me up once more and for the past 7.5 yrs, I was an accordion of weight loss and gain. Up/down/up/down and so on, until I met someone who turned me on to low-carb. I began my low-carb journey in October of 2016 at 226 pounds. Today I weigh 174 pounds! I’ve lost 52 pounds taking only one carb day a week.

This is the most sustainable diet. I am hesitant to use the word diet because this isn’t a diet, it is a way of life and I certainly don’t feel like I am dieting. If I am hungry I eat. Low-carb is amazing and my life as an accordion is over! I still need to lose about 5% body fat. Who knows, maybe one day I will end up on a body building stage once more! My life has changed for the better, I feel good, I look good, and most importantly I have great energy!

Josh Stone keto success story

In what aspects have your life changed since going keto?
I have been much more free with my life activities, exercising is easier, joints hurt less, energy level is way better, and having shed so much weight, I just generally feel good. Way more confidence too.

What is your favorite recipe from
Big fan of the bacon cheeseburger casserole!

What is your favorite ingredient to use when making ketogenic recipes?
I wouldn’t say I have a favorite ingredient, but I will say I am a red meat guy!

What is/was your motivation to keep on track?
Well in the beginning my motivation was that I got plantar facilities and could barely walk first thing in the morning. At the end of day my joints hurt and I just didn’t feel comfortable in my skin, so I set out to stop the pain associated with being heavy. My motivation now, is how I look and feel. Also doesn’t hurt to look at some of these old pics and think, “Who is that guy?! Never gonna be him again!”

Did you ever encounter a stall? If so, how did you get over it?
I have encountered a stall here and there. I have used intermittent fasting to break the plateau. Also I have gone off keto for a week at a time if my weight loss slows to a crawl. The occasional carb day helps keep my metabolism fired up.

What piece of advice would you offer to people that are just starting out on keto?
It is a marathon and not a race, you absolutely have to get through the first two weeks, you will be tired, it will be hard, but after that, you will love it! I would also say, best to think of it as your diet, not a diet.

What did you personally do in your first two weeks of keto?
Really, I just looked up a bunch of recipes. I had meats and cheeses on hand, and researched where I could eat keto on the go. If you fail to plan then you plan to fail!