I thought I'd send you an update, along with pics taken last month after I'm down 30 pounds. I started back on a protein power type of low-carb diet on 1/17/15. For the next two months, I research a keto/lchf way of eating. I found your website and purchased the Keto Academy to get me started. Then around 3/17/15, I started doing a ketogenic WOE. In the two months prior I had lost 9 pounds, but wasn't happy with that way of eating. I love keto/lchf, which is a very satisfying way of ...

It’s fun to workout now
Here are some of my before and after shots. Wow - I barely recognize that "before" lady anymore! I've lost 25 pounds, and the great news? I'm only halfway there! I'm gonna lose another 25! In the past, I would be at a point where I'd give up now. I'd be missing the "old" foods, and I'd be looking in the mirror and seeing such a difference and feeling like I've hit that "I look good enough" stage. I'd be tired of eating in a restricted way. I'd be craving craving craving and wondering ...
- April 1, 2017
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Dawn Lost 50 Lbs
It all started November 2014 with boimetrics testing for our health insurance. After getting my results, I just wanted to cry. I want to be healthy for myself and my kids. I've tried every diet imaginable with little to no success. February 2015 I did a lot of research on ketogenic lifestyle and started to make a change. I use ruled.me to figure my macro nutrients and I LOVE the recipes! I try at least 1 new recipe a week, being a busy working mother of 2. At my heaviest in February I started at ...
- March 25, 2017
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Michelle Has Lost 50 Lbs and Counting
About me: my name is Michelle. I'm 30 years old and have struggled with my weight my entire life. Growing up heavy was really hard on me. I was constantly picked on in school for my weight starting at an early age, which had a huge impact on my self esteem. By the time I was in middle school, I had to wear women's clothing and was miserable. I quickly fell into a cycle of eating my sorrows for being picked on, as well as stress eating for comfort when I faced any difficult situation. I will ...
- March 11, 2017
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Tony Lost Over 50 Lbs and Can Run Up Stairs
First off I would like to thank you for all of your recipes and information on your site, it has really helped me get to where I want to be. I have attached my before and after pictures for you. Please do not laugh. The after is actually a couple weeks ago and I have lost another 8 lbs since then, and I am still continuing to work hard to reach my goal. I was 242 lbs in the first picture and I am now 190 lbs. Yaaaaa! I guess my story is I just got tired of not being able to bend over and tie ...
- March 4, 2017
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Erin Lost 51 Lbs and Gained A Happier Life
I haven't ever compiled my story before so I apologize if it seems a little all over the place. I don't know how big I was to start. I stayed away from scales and cameras. I had to search high and low to make my before and afters because I never liked having my picture taken. I was ashamed. When I finally weighed in I was 236, and now I am 185! That is a 51 pound loss!! It has almost been a year and I know a lot of others have lost more in less time but I am proud of my loss and the life I have ...
- February 25, 2017
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Anais Used Keto to Help With Her Cancer Treatments
Well, my story might be a little different. I actually went on the ketogenic diet because I have stage 4B Hodgkin's lymphoma. I did 6 months of chemotherapy in the winter of 2014 which didn't end up working. The next step was a bone marrow transplant, but since it was summer I wanted to wait a few months and enjoy myself. I ended up seeing a naturopath who highly recommended the keto diet since cancer cells feed on glucose. I immediately got on it and had to search really hard for all the info. ...
- February 18, 2017
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Sue Lost 96 lbs in Six Months
Hi! Here's where I am so far.... I started keto February 12, 2015. At 5'7", I weighed 272, and I am now 176. That's a loss of 96 pounds, and counting, in just over six months! I am thinking 150 will be a good weight for me - We'll see. My weight loss has slowed a bit now. I am going to increase cardio (5k walk/run interval app is my fav), and I will add resistance training, as much as I hate lifting weights! Up to this point, I feel like the diet has been easy and the weight kinda ...
- February 11, 2017
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Ronald Robinson Lost 100lbs with His Wife
First off I just to say THANK YOU! My wife and I have lost a combined 100 lbs! When we decided to go against humanity and cut carbs out of our diet it was terrifying to be honest. We just were tired of not being comfortable anymore. Everything was hard whether it be stairs or fitting in plane seats. Sucking my stomach in to bend down and tie my shoes was my breaking point so I began to do some research about keto diets and Ruled.Me popped up first. Being somebody who does a lot of research ...
- February 4, 2017
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Jessica Lost 75 Pounds!
I began my weight loss journey a couple of years ago. I'm an elementary school teacher and at time time I worked on the second floor of my school. Daily out of breath only half way up, and needing to pull myself the rest of the way. I would grab a Diet Pepsi, my poor attempt at trying to lose weight, and collapse at my desk as I caught my breath. The school was planning a field trip from South Carolina to Washington, D.C. and I volunteered as a teacher chaperon. I bought new shoes to start ...
- January 28, 2017
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