Whether you are intolerant to dairy in any way or have a dairy allergy, you can still experience all of the benefits of the ketogenic diet. All you need to do is avoid all dairy products and dairy-derived ingredients, make dairy free keto recipes, and use keto-friendly dairy alternatives.

Your dairy free keto diet will mostly consist of:

  • Animal fats and plant-based oils. Avoid all fats that are derived from dairy and stick with plant-based oils like coconut oil, MCT oil, and olive oil and animal fats like lard, tallow, and duck fat.
  • Red meat, poultry, and seafood. Try to stick with organic, pasture-raised, and 100% grass-fed meat and wild caught fish where possible.
  • Low-carb vegetables. Stick with above ground vegetables, leaning toward leafy/green produce. Check out our low-carb vegetable guide to find out exactly what vegetables to eat on keto and how many carbs are in each one.
  • Low-carb fruits. Although most fruits are not keto-friendly, there are a handful that make a great addition to the ketogenic diet. Some examples of keto-friendly fruits are avocados, berries, and some citrus fruits. For a more detailed guide on what fruits you should and shouldn’t eat on keto, click here.
  • Nuts and seeds. Eat nuts and seeds in moderation as some contain a decent amount of carbs. Try to use fattier nuts like macadamias, pecans, and almonds.
  • Dairy alternatives. There are plenty dairy alternatives that you can use to replace common keto foods like heavy cream, cheese, sour cream, half and half, and yogurt.

If you’d like to learn more about the dairy alternatives and use our free dairy-free keto meal plan, check out our guide to going dairy-free on a ketogenic diet.

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