Yes, you can. However, each one of these flours has different properties so you must make a couple of changes to the recipes as a whole. Here are some suggestions on what you should do to use coconut flour instead of almond flour:

  • Substitute 1 cup of almond flour with 1/4 cup (1 ounce) of coconut flour, and add one egg for every 1/4 cup of coconut flour used in addition to the eggs called for in the original recipe.
  • Once you’ve done those two things, you may notice that you need more liquid to get the batter to right consistency. To make your batter better, add the same amount of liquid that the recipe calls for first, and then add more as needed.
  • If your mixture seems too dry, add more liquid until you get the right consistency. (In some cases, you may even need to double the amount of liquid required in the initial recipe.)
  • If your batter is too wet, add coconut flour one teaspoon at a time until you get the right consistency.

For more information about keto-friendly flours and how to use them, check out our article on keto flour substitutions.

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