Bacon Wrapped Low Carb Scotch Eggs

Keto Breakfast Recipes > Keto Breakfast Recipes

I’ve had a lot of bacon and eggs on hand lately, and by a lot I mean 48 eggs and 5 pounds of bacon. I need to use it up, and I figured I would start making eggs and bacon only, for the next few days. Trying to create some new ways to enjoy these guys, instead of the old bacon and scrambled eggs.

Scotch eggs are a fantastic treat, and while it’s hard not wanting to gulp down a dark ale while I’m eating one (or three) of these, they’re still a delicacy I haven’t encountered for years.

The oldschool scotch egg is made with a sausage mixture wrapped around the eggs, breaded, and fried. I decided to put a small twist on this and wrap the eggs in one of my all-time favorite foods – BACON!

HIGHLY suggest that you use  farm fresh eggs, and if you need a guide to boil them, we have a how-to on boiling eggs.

Leave a comment below on your own spin, or how to make this one even better!

Yields 2 total scotch eggs.

The Preparation

The Execution

1. Get your previously finished 2 hardboiled eggs out.

2. In a bowl, mix 2 Tbsp. Coconut Flour and 2 Tbsp. Parmesan Cheese.

3. In another bowl, scramble 1 egg. We will be using this to help the breading stick.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

4. Get your little station ready to dip the eggs.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

5. We’re going to need to wrap the eggs in bacon. I do 1 horizontal wrap and 1 vertical wrap. Start by placing your egg at one end of the bacon strip.

6. Wrap it all the way around.

7. While holding the first wrap in place, begin to wrap around the other side of the egg.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

8. When you finish wrapping them, they should look like this.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

9. Dip your bacon-wrapped egg into the egg mixture, we’re going to do a double dip method.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

10. Dip your now coated bacon-wrapped egg into the parmesan and coconut flour.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

11. Now, back to the egg mixture Sorry for the blur! I was using greasy hands to shoot the picture, and let’s just say it’s pretty tough to do everything with 1 hand.

12. Now finish up this scotch egg by doing the final dip in the parmesan and coconut flour.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

13. Do the same with your other scotch egg, they should look like this:

14. In a pan, place 1/2 Tbsp. Olive Oil and 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil.

15. Turn the pan to medium-high heat, and wait until it gets hot.

16. Once the pan is hot enough (it should sizzle if you drop a small piece of parmesan cheese into it), put your scotch eggs in the pan.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

17. It’s going to need a lot of babysitting. Once you start to smell a slight burning, turn the scotch egg to another side.

18. Continue turning the egg onto different sides so that it can get cooked all the way around.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

19. We will need to get the sides of this cooked also, so don’t forget about them!

20. Once you see that it’s been browned on all sides, turn your pan to low heat and start to allow the bacon to cook all the way through.

21. This will take some time, and you will also have to rotate the scotch eggs to make sure the bacon is cooked on all sides.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

22. While you’re waiting, get a paper towel ready so you can drain the excess grease, allowing the shell to crisp up. Who does this pie think they are? PREPARE FOR DEATH BY BACON!

23. Once you see that they’re ready, put them on top of the paper towels. Ha, take that pie!

24. When the scotch eggs have cooled off a bit, you should notice their golden brown shell. It sure smells delicious!

25. I put mine in the fridge and allow them to completely cool and harden up a little bit. This allows me to cut it in half. If you can’t wait, I suggest just digging in – using your fingers. Cutting it while they are hot is not the best idea as it can rip the bacon apart.

Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

This makes 2 total scotch eggs. Each coming out to: 477.5 Calories, 42.36g Fats, 2.95g Net Carbs, and 18.91g Protein.

Bacon Wrapped Low Carb Scotch Eggs Calories Fats(g) Carbs(g) Fiber(g) Net Carbs(g) Protein(g)
2 large eggs, hard boiled 143 9.51 0.72 0 0.72 12.56
1 large egg 72 4.75 0.36 0 0.36 6.28
2 tablespoons coconut flour 50 3 8 6 2 2
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 42 2.78 1.39 0 1.39 2.84
4 slices bacon 467 44.45 1.43 0 1.43 14.13
1 tablespoon coconut oil 121 13.47 0 0 0 0
½ tablespoon olive oil 60 6.75 0 0 0 0
Totals 955 84.71 11.9 6 5.9 37.81
Per Serving(/2) 477.5 42.36 5.95 3 2.95 18.91
Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs

Bacon Wrapped Low Carb Scotch Eggs

This makes 2 total scotch eggs. Each coming out to: 477.5 Calories, 42.36g Fats, 2.95g Net Carbs, and 18.91g Protein.
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  • 2 large eggs hard boiled
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flour
  • 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
  • 4 slices bacon
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • ½ tablespoon olive oil


  • In a bowl, mix 2 Tbsp. Coconut Flour and 2 Tbsp. Parmesan Cheese.
  • In another bowl, scramble 1 egg.
  • Wrap the eggs in two slices of bacon. One horizontal and one vertical.
  • While holding the first wrap in place, begin to wrap around the other side of the egg.
  • Dip your bacon-wrapped egg into the egg mixture.
  • Dip your now coated bacon-wrapped egg into the parmesan and coconut flour. Repeat. Egg mixture, then parmesan/flour mixture one more time.
  • In a pan, place 1/2 Tbsp. Olive Oil and 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil. Turn the pan to medium-high heat, and wait until it gets hot.
  • Once the pan is hot enough (it should sizzle if you drop a small piece of parmesan cheese into it), put your scotch eggs in the pan.
  • It's going to need a lot of babysitting. Once you start to smell a slight burning, turn the scotch egg to another side. Continue to turn until fully browned.
  • Once you see that it's been browned on all sides, turn your pan to low heat and start to allow the bacon to cook all the way through.
  • Once the bacon is cooked, rest eggs on a paper towel to remove excess grease.
  • You can eat them as-is, or put them in the fridge to make them easier to cut in half and serve.