Since I made the cheese chips recipe a while ago, I figured it was time to revisit them. This time, I wanted to use the cheese crisps as both a textural addition as well as a vessel for the food to sit on. This not only offers a deliciously crisp contrast in texture, but it also adds extreme portability to your breakfast, which is a big plus in my book! Make sure when you take your bacon out of the pan, you try to keep as much bacon fat in the pan as possible. This will allow you to cook ...
Applewood Seared Pork Chops
I haven't made pork chops in a while, so forgive the sear (or lack of) that I got on the chop. I had to cook 4 chops in a pretty small pan, so I didn't get the heat distribution I wanted. Either way, the recipe turned out delicious and the seasoning is fantastic! This will be done, fridge to plate, in about 25 minutes. This one used mostly pre-made seasonings, which I have a lot of for some reason - but it was really fast to prep and cook everything. It goes great with the bacon and brussels ...
- January 25, 2014
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Cast Iron Kitchen Sink Frittata
I've been wanting to do a frittata in a cast iron skillet for a long time, but could never do it. I'm so glad I finally got around to it because the crust this thing created is phenomenal. A little bit crunchy, and then a whole lot of egg, meat, and cheese. I recently got my cast iron skillet off of amazon. It's pre-seasoned, but if you buy one (and I highly suggest it), you should re-season it yourself. Wash it with only water and salt. Wipe it down with olive oil or bacon fat and bake it at ...
- January 24, 2014
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Lemon Glazed Spice Fritters
After going about making the Fried Cookie Dough, some people had let me know that they weren't getting the same results as me. It came down to using casein over whey protein powder (one is thicker and contains more xanthan than the other), so their dough wasn't turning out right. Others didn't want to use processed protein powders in their food - so I sought out to create something that uses neither protein or processed foods. I came up with fritters. Though the dough is a lot more sticky ...
- January 23, 2014
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Fried Bacon Explosion Sandwich
I was supposed to get this recipe up a little while back, but got sidetracked and chose to put up some different recipes. So, sorry about that - but here it is! I wanted to post this to give you some ideas on what you can do with leftovers. Leftovers doesn't always mean throwing what you made in the microwave and eating it. You can always make a new combination of foods, tastes, and textures to give yourself a different meal even if you're using almost the same ingredients. Now, keep in ...
- January 22, 2014
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Cinnamon and Orange Beef Stew
So I decided to go a little bit out of the ordinary last night and make a beef stew that many of you might not have experienced before. The rich flavors of citrus and beef stock combine with the deep elements of cinnamon and fish sauce to create a delicious meal. We start by searing our meat in a cast iron skillet, letting the wonderful fats caramelize and coax out the flavor. We then add all of our aromatics to cook for a moment before de-glazing with our citrus. After 5 hours in a crock ...
- January 21, 2014
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Peppermint Frost Breath Mints
About xylitol: 1 cup of xylitol, a sugar alcohol, has 228g carbs, but as humans we don't have the enzymes to process any of the nutrients from xylitol, so it passes through our system. Studies show that blood sugars and ketone levels are not affected by this in humans, but it can cause digestive upset if you are sensitive to sugar alcohols. If you aren't sure how you will react to xylitol, use in moderation. I recommend trying one piece 2-3 times a day, preferably after eating. I have a ...
- January 20, 2014
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Raspberry Cheesecake Cupcakes
These cheesecake cupcakes are quick and simple, but also highly customizable. I chose sugar-free raspberry syrup for this particular batch, but you can substitute the syrup for any flavor you like (or if you like plain New York-style, just use the vanilla extract)! My goodness, these cupcakes are decadent and delicious. I rarely cook them because I know I'll just sit down after their done and eat the whole lot of them! Luckily, at 2g net carb a piece, I can sleep soundly. ;) Yields 12 ...
- January 19, 2014
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Lemon & Rosemary Roasted Chicken Thighs
One of my favorite spices is rosemary, and I love to add it to everything I can. Unfortunately, though, not many people I cook for enjoy it like I do. So, I decided to try to make it more palatable for the others around my house and give it a bit of a twist. This recipe will add a needed change in some of your repertoires, bring a beautiful citrus flavor with the almost pungent aroma of the rosemary and thyme. Using a mortar and pestle for the garlic aliolli is the best way to do it. A ...
- January 19, 2014
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Fried Cookie Dough Balls
I've been trying to find a way to make fried cookie dough for a while, and with almond flour alone the texture just doesn't come through. The batter doesn't get thick enough...and coconut flour is something that I don't like to use. It falls apart and becomes very dry. Protein powder (casein to be exact) was the key! Optimum Nutrition is one of my favorite brands for both protein powder and casein powder. Not to mention they make great multivitamins, vitamins, and other supplements. There's ...
- January 18, 2014
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