I decided to give a whirl at a vegetarian recipe that I've been wanting to do for quite some time now. A vegetarian red curry! If you're not vegetarian, you could easily add some fatty cuts of meat to this to make even more flavor come out and add more protein to the dish. For being ready in just under 20 minutes, this turned out to have some incredible flavors. The "fish" sauce definitely comes through, which I love, and adds a more authentic flavor to all of it. Allowing the curry paste to ...

Coconut Cream Yogurt
Making your own yogurt might seem like a weird idea at first, but it's pretty simple and it's almost all hands off. We're going to culture the coconut milk in the oven using the light of the oven and the contents of probiotic capsules. You want your coconut milk to culture in the 110F - 115F range. We'll achieve this by leaving just the light of the oven on and keeping the door completely closed. Don't open it during the culture period! You may also want to invest in an oven thermometer so you ...
- May 20, 2014
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Low Carb Flax Tortillas
It's not often that I go around the blogosphere screaming from the rooftops about how amazing a recipe is. Heck, I won't even do it now - I just want you to know that if you're looking for an awesome tortilla recipe that's really easy to do, then TRY THIS RECIPE. I know many of you have been using the other tortilla recipe on the site, but the dough starts to get a little tough to work with unless you work very fast. As the boiling broth cools, the dough starts to cling together, making it ...
- May 18, 2014
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Pork Shiitake Stir Fry with “Quick Kimchi”
A delicious blend of Asian infused flavors come together to give you a delicious meal in under 30 minutes. From the tender, succulent pork to the tangy and spicy "Kimchi" that lays atop, everything works in unison to finish off your bite with a punch of umami. Definitely worth trying this one - and if you want to, you can even make the "Kimchi" previously and let it sit in the fridge overnight (or for a few days). The reason I put kimchi in quotes is because it's my own take on it, rather ...
- May 16, 2014
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Low Carb Microwave Hamburger Bun
So it's been dawning on me lately that I've really wanted a proper hamburger. Yeah, you can make those ultra thin buns with a whoppie pan, or you can even make a cupcake bun and cut it in half - but it's just not the same. Plus, you have to do so much work just for a few buns. I wanted something that I could throw together in a sinch and not have to worry about cleaning up, baking times, or any of that other stuff. Luckily, I've come up with a pretty good solution - hamburger mug bun, ...
- May 15, 2014
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Bacon, Red Pepper, and Mozzarella Frittata
I can't take full credit for this recipe, Gordon Ramsey definitely gave me inspiration with his bacon, red pepper, pea, and spring onion frittata. But, he didn't add enough fats for me so I manipulated the recipe a bit to allow for more fats (mushrooms help out with the absorption of those) to create an absolutely delicious breakfast or brunch for you to share and enjoy! Heck, even I don't want to share this, so if you're like me, you can just portion this out into 6 servings and eat it for ...
- May 14, 2014
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Ginger Sesame Glazed Salmon
As most of you know, salmon is packed full of fantastic omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are an important part of our body and overall health, and consuming them can lead to a myriad of benefits, including: Nerve and Cognition Benefits Improved Mood Joint and Vision Protection To get a brief overview of what omega fatty acids are, and why you should be consuming them, check out the article I wrote on Essential Fatty Acids: Omega 3 and Omega 6. All on top of that, this is ...
- May 13, 2014
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Prosciutto Wrapped Shrimp
I'm really happy to announce that Ketofied! Comfort Foods Made Low Carb can now accept PayPal as a payment. I had a lot of people request this, so I worked over the weekend to get a new payment processor that's trusted. I've finally been able to find a good one and accepts both credit card and PayPal (so people have an option). I just want to say thank you to everyone that got it, supports it, and supports the website! Now, on to the shrimp. These suckers are the perfect blend of "fanciness". ...
- May 12, 2014
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Caramel Pots de Crème
So I'm super excited that I was able to publish Ketofied! Comfort Foods Made Low Carb, the second cookbook from me and the website :) Check it out and see all the new recipes you'll be able to make! If the book isn't in your budget at the moment, DON'T WORRY - I am hosting a giveaway for (the only) print copy of the book I have. This also includes almond flour, erythritol, liquid stevia, and a chocoperfection sampler pack. I think you guys will love the prize! Check out the giveaway here, but ...
- May 11, 2014
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