Share Your Success Story Do you want to motivate others in the keto community? Simply tell us a little bit about you, your success, and how you made it. Attach photos of your starting and endpoints in your journey, and we'll get back to you to follow up with some additional information. The more photos, the better! Please note that success stories must include photos to be considered in the entries. The contest has now ended. Please check back next year! We're excited to hear your ...

Type 1 Diabetes and The Ketogenic Diet
For thousands of years, something has been sneaking up on children and robbing them of their ability to control their blood sugar levels. The culprit is an autoimmune condition called Type 1 Diabetes, and its incidence has been increasing in both the United States and in other western countries. But there is no need to worry. This sneaky disease has left us with enough clues to diagnose it, manage it, and potentially reverse it. This can be done by type one diabetics following the keto ...
- September 26, 2017
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The Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet
There is a ton of hype surrounding the ketogenic diet. Some researchers swear that it is the best diet for most people to be on, while others think it is just another fad diet. To some degree, both sides of the spectrum are right. There isn't one perfect diet for everyone or every condition, regardless of how many people "believe" in it. The ketogenic diet is no exception to this rule. However, the ketogenic diet also has plenty of solid research backing up its benefits. In fact, it has ...
- September 13, 2017
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How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Naturally
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is responsible for as much as 70 percent of infertility issues in women. In fact, it is the most common hormonal problem in women of childbearing age, and yet, few women are aware of PCOS and its symptoms. The Most Common Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Before we explore why PCOS happens and how to reverse PCOS naturally, we must know how it affects the female body. The most common symptoms of PCOS are: Irregular periods, including amenorrhea ...
- September 10, 2017
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What Is Ketoacidosis? A Comprehensive Guide
What is ketoacidosis? It is a lethal condition responsible for over 100,000 hospital admissions per year in the US, with a death rate of around 5%. Why does this happen? Because of a deadly combination of uncontrolled hyperglycemia, increased blood ketone levels, and metabolic acidosis. Luckily, this lethal triad rarely affects individuals who don’t have diabetes. That said, the majority (80%) of ketoacidosis cases occur in people with a known history of diabetes mellitus (any form of ...
- September 7, 2017
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What is the Keto Flu & How to Remedy It?
Adapting to the ketogenic diet can feel like the flu. Tiredness, fatigue, stomach pains, and dizziness are common symptoms that the ketogenic diet beginner can experience, but these symptoms don't come from a ketogenic virus or an infected mosketo (like “mosquito” — sorry, I couldn't resist). In fact, the symptoms for keto flu are not even caused by ketosis, ketogenesis, or the flu at all. The keto flu is caused by the body's response to carbohydrate restriction. Here's a quick video that ...
- September 5, 2017
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Are Omega-6s Healthy or Unhealthy?
We recently documented the health benefits of eating sufficient omega-3 fatty acids. Oftentimes, researchers discuss omega-3 fatty acids in the context of their counterpart omega-6 fatty acids. News outlets such as authority nutrition state that eating too many omega-6 fatty acids causes health problems ranging from inflammation to heart disease. Additionally, others tout the importance of eating a proper ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids. But what is the real story behind this ...
- September 5, 2017
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What Are Omega 3 Fatty Acids?
Omega-3 fatty acids are a special type of fat molecule. As a triglyceride, they consist of a small compound called glycerol (C3H8O3) attached to three chains of carbon atoms called fatty acids. They are a polyunsaturated fat, which means that they contain more than one carbon-carbon double bonds. In contrast, monounsaturated fats contain only one carbon-carbon double bond while saturated fats contain no carbon-carbon double bonds. Fatty acids generally have two ends: a carboxylic acid, which ...
- September 5, 2017
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Keto: The Best Fatty Liver Diet
Fatty liver disease is exactly what the name suggests - a disease characterized by the build up of fat in the liver. There are two main types of fatty liver disease: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Alcoholic fatty liver disease (also called alcoholic steatohepatitis) Both types of fatty liver disease are diagnosed when fat makes up at least 10% of the liver, but the cause of the fat build up is different for each type. The cause of alcoholic fatty liver disease is obvious. The ...
- September 1, 2017
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The Ketogenic Version of The Bone Broth Diet
Keto bone broth has hit the health scene as the next healing elixir. Many health gurus and naturopaths tout bone broth as being good for weight loss, detoxification, and joint health, but is there any truth to this? On the surface, it sounds like another health fad. The Truth About The Bone Broth Diet and Bone Broth Bone broth has been gaining popularity lately due to the recent release of the book titled “Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet” and the plethora of bone broth protein products ...
- August 29, 2017
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