The Keto Diet for Couples: Proof that You Can Conquer Weight Loss

The Keto Diet for Couples: Proof that You Can Conquer Weight Loss

My fiance and I met 7 years ago and did not know we would embark on a journey for a keto diet for couples. We had both brought our childhood obesity into adulthood but had done work separately before we met to be healthier. We were pretty fitness focused and the smallest we ever were in our adult lives at the point when we met. We vowed to continue being healthy, but many years of good food, back injuries for each of us and pizza nights saw us tipping the scales at double our “normal” body ...

The Guide to a Dairy Free Keto Diet

The Guide to a Dairy Free Keto Diet

Doesn't it seem like dairy is in everything? From keto recipes to high-carb snacks and candy, there's some kind of milk product in so many things that we eat. This isn't a problem if you're not allergic or intolerant to dairy at all, but what should you do if struggle with lactose or dairy proteins — especially when you are on a diet that typically consists of a lot of dairy like the ketogenic diet? Fortunately, there are a wide variety of dairy substitutions and dairy-free recipes that ...

How to Lose Weight on a Ketogenic Diet

How to Lose Weight on a Ketogenic Diet

There are many ways to lose weight, and following the ketogenic diet is one of them. In fact, keto is one of the most effective ways to lose weight rapidly and keep the fat off for good. This doesn't mean, that a high-fat, low-carb diet is ideal for everyone that is aiming for weight loss. Some people may fare better with other dietary choices that fit more snuggly into their current lifestyles. Either way, it is possible for you to lose weight and keep it off. In this article, we will ...

Complete Guide to Exercise on the Ketogenic Diet

Complete Guide to Exercise on the Ketogenic Diet

Exercise more, and you'll have better health. Follow the ketogenic diet, and you'll lose weight rapidly and take your health to the next level. But what happens when you combine the two? Although it's reasonable to assume that combining exercise with keto would take your health and weight loss to the next level, the truth behind it is a bit more complicated than that. When we restrict carbs, we cause a plethora of changes throughout the body — some of which affect exercise ...

The 15 Best Keto Pasta Recipes

The 15 Best Keto Pasta Recipes

Pasta is so versatile that you can have it with almost anything, and it will make the meal better. It's subtle taste and soft texture give it the ability to pair different cuisines from all over the world. But, there is one crucial caveat to mention. The most popular pasta varieties are so carb-dense that they should not be eaten on the low-carb diet and ketogenic diet. However, this doesn't mean that you can't have your favorite pasta recipes when you are cutting carbs. There are plenty ...

Complete Guide to Keto Friendly Beverages & Energy Drinks

Complete Guide to Keto Friendly Beverages & Energy Drinks

Drinks tend to be the sneakiest sources of calories and sugar in our diets.  Fruit juices (including freshly pressed juice), sodas, and even your favorite specialty coffee drink are all filled with so much sugar that they increase your likelihood of gaining fat while making it difficult for your body to get into ketosis. With all of the confusing marketing terms like "low-carb," "low-sugar," "natural," etc. it is hard to tell what drinks are actually keto-friendly and what drinks are just ...

The Best 5 Keto Cheesecake Recipes

The Best 5 Keto Cheesecake Recipes

Cheesecake is one of those desserts that seems like it should be keto-friendly. After all, it's just cream cheese with a little bit of sweetness, right? Unfortunately, this isn't the case — almost every cheesecake is packed with added sugar and carb-filled flour, making this delicious dessert a disaster for our health. However, this doesn't mean that you can never eat cheesecake again if you are on the ketogenic diet. All you have to do is make it yourself using your favorite low-calorie ...

The Best 5 Keto Pancake Recipes

The Best 5 Keto Pancake Recipes

One struggle that many of us have when we first start the ketogenic diet is the cravings we have for all of our sugar-filled favorites that we can't eat anymore. When it comes to breakfast, one of the most widely missed sugar-filled foods is pancakes. With their fluffy, cakey texture accompanied by melted butter and sweet maple syrup, it is hard not love pancakes — but they are so unhealthy. The processed sugar and white flour that are typically used to make pancakes are a nightmare for your ...

The Best Low Carb Keto Ice Cream Recipes

The Best Low Carb Keto Ice Cream Recipes

The history of keto ice cream goes all the way back to 5th century BC to when the first sweet ice cream-like dessert was made. The ancient Greeks would line up at Athen's street market to buy this sweet ice cream-like treat that consisted of snow, honey, and fruit. Even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, encouraged his patients to eat this brand new ice-y food  "as it livens the life-juices and increases the well-being." Unfortunately, as ice cream evolved over the centuries, we took ...

Keto Flour Substitutions

Keto Flour Substitutions

Melty chocolate chip cookies, moist double chocolate layer cake with vanilla frosting, delicious donuts, fluffy pancakes, fresh Belgium waffles —  just the thought of them will make your mouth water and induce an intense craving. Do you have to fight against these cravings for the rest of your life? Although only one serving of these sugar-filled foods can easily put you over your carb limit for the day (or, in some cases, the entire week), this doesn't mean that you have to give them up ...