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Low carb zucchini bread

Best Low Carb Rice Substitutes for Keto

Best Low Carb Rice Substitutes for Keto

Some of the most delicious dishes feature rice as a key ingredient. Risotto, fried rice, paella, and sushi, for example, all rely on this starch-filled grain, but are there any rice varieties that won’t pack on the carbs? Unfortunately, the answer is no.  If you’re on a non-keto low-carb or standard ketogenic diet, you should avoid rice for optimal results. That being said, you can still get your rice fix by using low-carb substitutes and keto recipes. Let’s begin our journey through the ...

Keto Cloud Bread (Oopsie Bread)

Keto Cloud Bread (Oopsie Bread)

Low-carb, keto-friendly bread is no longer a fantasy. With the right recipe and ingredients, you can make virtually any type of keto bread you prefer, from a white bread loaf to a bread-like keto dessert. (You can even make quick keto bread in the microwave.) But what should you do if you are missing one or two of the recipe’s ingredients? Rather than giving up on your hopes of having bread with your meal, give this keto cloud bread a try. All you’ll need is two common keto ingredients: ...

15+ Low Carb Freezer Meals for Easy Keto: Recipes and Meal Prep Tips

15+ Low Carb Freezer Meals for Easy Keto: Recipes and Meal Prep Tips

Cutting carbs can help you lose substantial amounts of fat, but there is another key ingredient that’ll help you maintain those weight loss results for life: convenience. Simply put, if you make your low carb or ketogenic diet more convenient than grabbing an unhealthy meal, you will be able to create a lifestyle that helps you lose weight and improve health naturally. One way to do this is by cooking healthy low carb keto freezer meals, so you always have something you can eat when you’re ...

What is the Slow Carb Diet?

What is the Slow Carb Diet?

Like the ketogenic diet, the slow carb diet is based on simple rules and low-carb whole foods that can help promote fat loss and health improvement. Both diets have led to incredible weight loss results of 100 pounds or more. That being said, the slow carb diet sets itself apart from other low-carb diet plans in many ways, including the incorporation of some carb-rich foods and a cheat day once a week. This approach may sound refreshingly easy, and it can be highly effective, but there are ...

The Best Nuts for Keto: Low Carb Nuts, Seeds & What to Avoid

The Best Nuts for Keto: Low Carb Nuts, Seeds & What to Avoid

Nuts are known for their vitamin, mineral, fiber, and healthy fat content. What is often overlooked, however, is how many carbs they add to the diet. Since nuts are designed by nature to provide nourishment for a new plant, each one comes with some net carbs in the form of starches and sugars. This is why it is crucial to consider the carb counts of each nut before you incorporate them into your keto lifestyle. To give you a better idea of the best nuts for keto, let's take a look at carbs ...

Michael Lowered His A1C and Lost 30 Lbs

Michael Lowered His A1C and Lost 30 Lbs

During a trip to see the solar eclipse, my wife began researching Keto. I was pretty ambivalent about it until I saw a photograph of myself beside the telescope. On August 21st, I weighed 189 lbs and had been averaging 6.3 A1c. I began following the Keto plan which was not as difficult as I expected it to be. Staying away from carbs left me with plenty of choices and so I never felt deprived. I knew I was losing weight but the real encouragement came 6 weeks after I began. My endocrinologist ...

Zero Carb Food List that Keeps Keto and Ketosis Simple

Zero Carb Food List that Keeps Keto and Ketosis Simple

Keeping carbohydrate intake low is the key to keto diet success. When carb intake is too high, we simply cannot enter ketosis and experience the unique benefits of keto. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to rigidly track your carbohydrate intake at all times. In fact, many keto dieters are able to stay in ketosis by using one simple strategy: Eating mostly keto-friendly foods that have little to no net carbs (i.e., digestible carbs that reduce ketone production). Although it may ...

The Best 10 Keto Bread Recipes

The Best 10 Keto Bread Recipes

Bread is one of most widely consumed foods in westernized societies. In the United States, it is the second most commonly eaten food, following closely behind grain-based desserts. This data is not surprising when you consider how many popular food items come with bread. From delicious foods that use bread as an edible food delivery mechanism like sandwiches and hamburgers to the meals that are served with a side of bread like soups, salads, and pasta — it is almost astonishing that we don't ...

What Is the Best Triglyceride Lowering Diet?

What Is the Best Triglyceride Lowering Diet?

You (or a loved one) probably have high triglycerides. This sounds like the beginning of a drug commercial, but it’s true. Over 30% of the adult United States population has triglyceride levels that are equal to or above 150 mg/dL. In other words, about 1 in every 3 people has above normal triglyceride levels. So, what does this mean exactly? What should you do if your doctor says that you have “high triglycerides”? Let’s take a closer look at these crucial questions and help you find ...

The Best Low-Carb and Keto Fruits (and Which to Avoid)

The Best Low-Carb and Keto Fruits (and Which to Avoid)

Can you eat fruit on a ketogenic diet? In short, it’s best to avoid most fruits except for berries, avocados, olives, and tomatoes, which you can eat in moderation. Below, we’ll take a closer look at some of the best keto fruits you can eat on a low carb diet and what you should avoid. When people switch to a ketogenic diet, fruit can be an area of confusion. Fruit has been marketed as healthy for many years and generally has a positive stigma behind it. On the ketogenic diet, however, ...