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Weight Gain on Keto: Common Causes & Simple Solutions

Weight Gain on Keto: Common Causes & Simple Solutions

For most people on keto, weight loss is the easy part. Keeping the weight off, however, is the hard part. The keto diet is often described as the antidote for the vicious cycle of weight loss and weight gain, but it isn't failproof. Though keto can indeed suppress appetite and make fat loss easier to achieve, this may not happen for everyone at first. Fortunately,  if you’re struggling with hunger or weight gain on keto, a simple lifestyle adjustment is often all it takes to get you back on ...

Best Low Carb Rice Substitutes for Keto

Best Low Carb Rice Substitutes for Keto

Some of the most delicious dishes feature rice as a key ingredient. Risotto, fried rice, paella, and sushi, for example, all rely on this starch-filled grain, but are there any rice varieties that won’t pack on the carbs? Unfortunately, the answer is no.  If you’re on a non-keto low-carb or standard ketogenic diet, you should avoid rice for optimal results. That being said, you can still get your rice fix by using low-carb substitutes and keto recipes. Let’s begin our journey through the ...

Keto Hair Loss: Why It Happens and How to Prevent It

Keto Hair Loss: Why It Happens and How to Prevent It

What do a keto dieter,  raw vegan, and backpacker have in common? If they don’t eat enough, their hair may start falling out. In other words, keto doesn’t cause hair loss directly. Instead, it is the significant shift in what and how much we eat that can cause us to lose hair. Fortunately, there is a simple solution that’ll help your hair regrow just as thick as before: eating more of the right keto foods. (Plus, you can even prevent hair loss with the same strategies!) To reach your ...

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet: What is Keto-friendly?

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet: What is Keto-friendly?

“Is this keto-friendly?” “Can I eat this on keto?” Questions like these are asked on keto diet forums and Facebook groups multiple times a day without a definitive answer. The line between what we should eat and avoid to sustain ketosis gets blurred after we cut out the obvious high-carb foods. To truly figure out what is keto-friendly and what we shouldn’t eat on keto, we must have: (1) a general understanding of foods that are keto-friendly and foods that will almost always kick us ...

The 10 Best Tips for Keto Diet Success

The 10 Best Tips for Keto Diet Success

The ketogenic diet is a diet like no other. It combines the power of calorie restriction with the unique benefits of nutritional ketosis to provide people with an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health. As I look deeper into the keto diet, however, there is a huge discrepancy between what people think they need to do versus what the science says is best for most people. Some common myths like "carbs and insulin are the only reason why we get fat", "you will lose weight as ...

Keto & Weight Loss

Keto & Weight Loss

One of the most common reasons people start a ketogenic diet or simply cut carbohydrates is to lose weight. But does the hard, scientific evidence say? Additionally, does a low-carb diet just get rid of the water weight- or does it shed body fat and maintain lean mass? In this piece we analyze if eating more fat really makes you less fat. The Key Figures in Body Weight Everyone is always talking about “losing weight”- but what are the exactly referring to? Human body weight refers to ...

Using the Fat Fasting Technique

Using the Fat Fasting Technique

The fat fast is a technique brought by Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - used by people who are metabolically resistant and have trouble with their induction. Let me first say that fat fasting should be used in 2 situations and 2 situations only: Breaking through a 2 week or longer plateau. Inducing yourself into ketosis quicker, whether you are just starting keto or you had a cheat day. It is important to stress that a fat fast should only be followed for a few days maximum as it ...

The Ketogenic Diet and Weight Loss Plateaus

The Ketogenic Diet and Weight Loss Plateaus

The dreaded keto weight loss plateau. No matter what diet you are on, your weight loss will eventually stop. The goal is for the progress to stop as soon as we hit our ideal weight, but this often does not happen as planned. Most of us will experience a weight loss plateau at one point or another during our diet. When this happens it is not because you failed or because your body is broken — it is most likely because you need to switch up your dietary approach just a bit. By switching up ...

Ketogenic Diet Food List: Everything You Need to Know

Ketogenic Diet Food List: Everything You Need to Know

Not sure what to eat on a ketogenic diet? Here's a quick food list for you to reference. Below you'll find a brief overview of what you can eat. Scroll further down to see more details on each section. Being on a diet isn’t the easiest thing in the world, especially when you don’t know what you should eat. We’ve put together this ketogenic diet food list to help people out there make decisions on what they are eating and shopping for. Below you can find a quick visual guide to what to eat ...

The Best Low Carb Vegetables for Keto

The Best Low Carb Vegetables for Keto

Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy low-carb diet, but sometimes we’re stuck with decisions we might regret later. Some vegetables are high in sugar and don’t cut it nutritionally – so we need to weed them out. Make sure to be careful when eating vegetables as their carb counts do add up quickly. Below you'll find a quick visual guide on the best (and worst) low-carb vegetables for keto. Keep scrolling down to see a complete list of the most commonly consumed vegetables. At the ...