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Keto white pizza

Keto White Pizza Frittata

Keto White Pizza Frittata

Frittatas are a fantastic food to make when you're meal prepping or have little time in the morning to wait for breakfast to cook. They're great microwaved, re-heated in the oven, or just plain cold (which is my favorite). Today we're going to make a ketogenic friendly white pizza frittata. Traditionally, a white pizza is the dough and cheese on top (in a nutshell). Instead, we use different cheeses in the frittata base, and top with a delicious mozzarella and pepperoni combo. Inside is the ...

Keto Cauliflower Bread

Keto Cauliflower Bread

You’ll love this amazing cauliflower bread. It’s a great alternative to traditional bread and is super low-carb. It does take some effort but the end result is definitely worth it. The beauty of this recipe is you can add your favorite spices to give it more flavor or make it plain and enjoy it with your favorite toppings. When making this recipe, it’s important that you properly prepare the cauliflower. This can be done by dicing it up by hand or you can use a food processor to do it for ...

Best Low Carb Rice Substitutes for Keto

Best Low Carb Rice Substitutes for Keto

Some of the most delicious dishes feature rice as a key ingredient. Risotto, fried rice, paella, and sushi, for example, all rely on this starch-filled grain, but are there any rice varieties that won’t pack on the carbs? Unfortunately, the answer is no.  If you’re on a non-keto low-carb or standard ketogenic diet, you should avoid rice for optimal results. That being said, you can still get your rice fix by using low-carb substitutes and keto recipes. Let’s begin our journey through the ...

Keto Hair Loss: Why It Happens and How to Prevent It

Keto Hair Loss: Why It Happens and How to Prevent It

What do a keto dieter,  raw vegan, and backpacker have in common? If they don’t eat enough, their hair may start falling out. In other words, keto doesn’t cause hair loss directly. Instead, it is the significant shift in what and how much we eat that can cause us to lose hair. Fortunately, there is a simple solution that’ll help your hair regrow just as thick as before: eating more of the right keto foods. (Plus, you can even prevent hair loss with the same strategies!) To reach your ...

Eating Italian Food On Keto: What to Eat/Avoid, Restaurant Tips, and Recipes

Eating Italian Food On Keto: What to Eat/Avoid, Restaurant Tips, and Recipes

No matter where you travel in Italy, it seems like they have cracked the code on good cooking. Whether you have pasta, pizza, salad, lasagna, soup, or dessert, you can’t go wrong with authentic Italian food. Unfortunately, many of the best dishes are filled with starchy foods, flour, or sugar. This can make it challenging to satisfy your craving for Italian food on keto. Find out exactly which foods to avoid when making delicious Italian food. However, this doesn’t mean you have to give up ...

Keto Tortilla Pizza

Keto Tortilla Pizza

Pizzas are something I would have never dreamed of eating on the keto diet. Store bought pizza crusts and restaurant pizzas have too many carbs. As you know, it is best to make most dishes from scratch and this one is no exception! With this recipe you can learn how to make a keto-friendly pizza with low carb tortillas as the crust. The crust of the pizza, the tortillas, taste like real flour tortillas and make for the perfect base of these mini pizzas! The fresh basil leaves and the ...

Keto Cloud Bread (Oopsie Bread)

Keto Cloud Bread (Oopsie Bread)

Low-carb, keto-friendly bread is no longer a fantasy. With the right recipe and ingredients, you can make virtually any type of keto bread you prefer, from a white bread loaf to a bread-like keto dessert. (You can even make quick keto bread in the microwave.) But what should you do if you are missing one or two of the recipe’s ingredients? Rather than giving up on your hopes of having bread with your meal, give this keto cloud bread a try. All you’ll need is two common keto ingredients: ...

Dirty, Lazy Keto vs. Clean Keto: Should You Go Clean?

Dirty, Lazy Keto vs. Clean Keto: Should You Go Clean?

We all naturally fall somewhere on the spectrum between squeaky clean keto and dirty lazy keto — even if we aren’t aware of it. The way of eating that you end up following ultimately depends on two crucial factors: (1) how healthy, sustainable, and effective the diet is for you and  (2) the values that drive your decisions (e.g.,  your budget, your health, religious beliefs, environmental/animal welfare concerns, and anything else that you prioritize when making a decision about what to ...

Our 25 Favorite Keto Chicken Recipes

Our 25 Favorite Keto Chicken Recipes

Chicken dishes are so popular that they are the third most widely consumed food in America, following closely behind grain-based desserts and yeast breads. In other words, chicken is the most widely consumed keto-friendly food in the United States. Most chicken dishes, however, come with a carb-rich side like rice or potatoes or chicken that is breaded with high carb ingredients, making a high-protein keto food into an unhealthy meal. Fortunately, there are many low-carb vegetables and keto ...

Mini Pizza Egg Bakes

Mini Pizza Egg Bakes

Have you ever had so many eggs on keto that you never wanted to eat, see, or smell another egg ever again? Well I have. Especially if I am aiming for a nearly no carb day and I’ve been doing my fair share of eggs. So how do I continue to stay the course and not get burned out on the incredible, mostly edible egg? Pizza eggs, of course! I so badly wanted to put an exclamation point at the end of this recipe title because these little egg pizzas are that good! The base consists of some ...