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Keto smoked salmon appetizer

25 Keto Recipes for Mardi Gras

25 Keto Recipes for Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras as we know it here in the United States is celebrated in Louisiana, and we most often think of Fat Tuesday in New Orleans.  Everything is decorated with green, gold, and purple.  You can, of course, celebrate Mardi Gras and keep it keto.  We've rounded up keto recipes for traditional favorites like King Cake, gumbo, and jambalaya.  We also included recipes that feature green, gold, and purple, cajun flavors, or seafood.  So make sure you indulge just a bit! 1. Fiesta Slaw This ...

Soy Sauce Marinated Deviled Eggs

Soy Sauce Marinated Deviled Eggs

Do you think that hard boiled eggs are boring? Well, think again! These eggs are marinated just like the eggs you find at a ramen restaurant, then whipped with cream cheese and chives. They're salty with a touch of sweet, and make the perfect appetizer or snack. The first time I encountered a version of this recipe was from a wonderful cookbook by Harumi Kurihara. She is kind of like Martha Stewart in Japan. I was fascinated by these brown dyed eggs, and she suggested toppings like cream ...