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Bacon wrapped keto meatloaf

How-To: Bacon Weaving 101

How-To: Bacon Weaving 101

I've had a lot of people asking me to do a tutorial on how to weave bacon. I know the youtube videos go by pretty quick and it might be difficult to see exactly what you need to do. A few recipes I've done so far with a bacon weave include: Low Carb Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf, the beautiful Crispy Stuffed Bacon Baskets, and of course the Cheddar Bacon Explosion. The MOST IMPORTANT part of bacon weaving is the pattern that you weave. Make sure that when you lay your strips, there's ...

Jason Lost 130 Pounds and No Longer Has Diabetes

Jason Lost 130 Pounds and No Longer Has Diabetes

I weighed 390lbs and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My a1c was 11. I was put on 3 different meds and insulin shots. I began keto and helping others with keto. I now weigh 260lbs, no longer have diabetes and am off all medications. I read everything I could find on keto on the internet, made it a goal to read 1 keto-related article a week to increase my understanding. I kept small goals - in the beginning, it was to lose 5lbs a month, walk around the block without getting winded when ...

Erica Buteau Lost 150 lbs

Erica Buteau Lost 150 lbs

You're so freaking heavy you outweigh my Chevy!" were daily chants as I boarded the school bus.  I'd become subject of the majority of the boys' fat jokes. "You have such a pretty would be so beautiful if you just lost a few pounds," was repeated by so many of my well meaning family members. Three times per week I climbed on the scale in the nurse's office at my elementary school. I listened to all the benefits I could have if I just started making better food choices. The words ...