This is one of the best and most used strength training routines recommended to new trainers. It emphasizes the gradual, but linear progression of strength by using only a handful of exercises. Whether you are coming back to training after a long break, or you are brand new to the field – this is ultimately going to be ideal for you to get in shape quickly. This program has been successful for over 30 years, with the simplistic idea of mastering the basics of effective compound lifting using precise technique.

There are five general exercises that are used in this program, and you can learn about them in The Fundamental Lifts to Master. Originally, the clean was recommended as a main lift to use, but we see it as impractical. It’s a technique that is difficult to master, is normally performed unsafely, and can cause injury if done incorrectly. Instead, we recommend that you do Pendlay rows which are much easier and safer to master.
The Workout Plan
Essentially you will want to train 3 days a week on non consecutive days. What, only 3 days a week!? That’s it? Yup, it’s that simple! A full body workout 3 days a week, in which you’ll increase weight as you need it. You will want to be working quite hard to complete your reps by the end of your sets.
Starting Strength Workout 1
3 Sets of 5 Reps – Squat
3 Sets of 5 Reps – Bench Press
1 Set of 5 Reps – Deadlift
Starting Strength Workout 2
3 Sets of 5 Reps – Squat
3 Sets of 5 Reps – Standing military press
3 Sets of 5 Reps – Pendlay Rows
You can choose whichever days you want to workout, but it has to be three days a week, and it has to be non consecutive days. You might ask “Well, I missed a day and feel good enough to do training 2 days in a row, can I?” The answer is NO. You cannot train 2 days in a row, no matter what – so don’t even think about it!
Workout Plan: Week One
Monday – Workout 1
Wednesday – Workout 2
Friday – Workout 1
Workout Plan: Week Two
Monday – Workout 1
Wednesday – Workout 2
Friday – Workout 1