Preheat oven to 450 convection or 475 normal. (Convection preferred)
Measure out 200g mushrooms, 1/2 Onion, and 1/2 Bell Pepper. Put the in the food processor and pulse until you have diced vegetables.
Add your meat, diced vegetables, and seasonings into a mixing bowl and mix well.
Portion out 6 burger patties from the meat mix.
Rest the 6 patties on a cooling rack that sits over a baking sheet. The baking sheet should be covered in foil and salt added to it (to catch drippings).
Put small amount of remaining meat into pan and bring to sizzle.
Add spinach and let it wilt down with some salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes.
Add almonds, cream cheese, butter, and heaby cream and stir it well. Let this continue to cook down and stay warm.
Remove the burgers from the oven after 19-24 minutes. Keep your eye on these as once they start getting past rare temperature, they cook quickly.
Serve portions as 1 1/2 patty with 1/4 side salad.