This makes 2 total servings. Each serving is 370 Calories, 23.5g Fats, 2.5g Net Carbs, and 33g Protein. Though I didn't even use half of the sauce between the two portions, I still included everything in the macros.
Add all of the ingredients except for sesame oil, ketchup and white wine to a small tupperware container.
Marinade ingredients in the liquids for about 10-15 minutes.
Bring a pan to high heat and add sesame oil. Once you see the first whisp of smoke, add fish skin side down.
Let fish cook and skin crisp, then flip and cook on the other side (about 3-4 minutes per side, depending on thickness). Add all marinate liquids to the pan and let it boil with the fish when you flip it.
Remove fish from pan and set aside. Add ketchup, and white wine to marinate liquids. Let simmer for 5 minutes to reduce. Serve on the side.