Preheat oven to 300F. Separate 4 egg yolks from the whites and save whites for a different recipe. Powder erythritol in a spice grinder completely (about 20 seconds).
Mix together powdered erythritol and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
In another saucepan, add cream, stevia, salt, vanilla and maple extract. Bring to a rolling boil and then reduce heat to low and continue mixing.
Once your small saucepan of water and erythritol is boiling, add maple syrup and continue mixing. Let this boil for 2-3 minutes or until reduced some into a watery syrup.
Add water and erythritol to cream mixture by slowly stirring it in. Then slowly add the hot mixture into the egg yolks to temper them. About 1/4 at a time. Mix this well to combine.
Once eggs are included in the mixture, measure out mixture into 4 or 6 ramekins (depending on size). Fill baking sheet 2/3 the way with water, put ramekins on baking sheet, and bake for 40 minutes and remove from the oven.
Refrigerate or serve warm. The colder they get, the more of a light custard it forms into.